Account Information
How to Generate Reports
Click on the Admin button in the top navigator and select Reports.
On the reports page, you will see a couple of inputs for dates to define the time frame of your report. By default, the time frame will be the past month from the current day. Click Generate Report.
The reports will populate down the page. Report queries have been optimised so that, even with several thousand documents sent out, report generation should take no more than a second or two.
How to export report data
For each report click on the icon in the top right-hand corner to export the data in various formats (PNG, JPEG, PDF, SVG, XLS, CVS).
Breakdown of the reports
Send count by user. Amount of sent documents split by week over the report's time frame. You can optionally break these down into sending through the web app, api, direct link, or API
Send count by week. Amount of sent documents split by week over the report's time-frame. You can optionally break these down into sending through the web app, api, direct link, or API.
Response results over time. Shows percentage of Pending, Signed and Rejected documents over your time-frame.
Response results pie. As above but split into a pie chart.
Response % rates pie. A variation of the response results, but split according to documents with a response (signed/rejected) from those without (pending).
Response % rates by week. As above but split weekly.
Time to sign columns. A column chart showing how rapidly documents are signed within a given time period.
Time to sign pie. As above, but in a pie chart format.
Day/hour document fully signed. This chart is great for optimising your reminder schedules. It shows a heat map of when documents are signed.
Sent by document tag pie chart. You can tag your uploaded documents to organise them into categoires. This graphic show the frequency with which templates with a given tag have been sent. Data from sent documents without tags will not be displayed in this pie chart.
Sent by document source. This displays how many times a template has been sent.
These reports are available for Business, Enterprise, and some Custom plans only.
Check out this gif of a report being generated on Legalesign: