
Secure Online Document Signing Solutions

Experience the confidence of secure eSignature solutions. Your signed documents are protected by tamper-proof encryption and authentication, ensuring everything remains confidential and secure. Trust in the security of Legalesign's eSignature platform for all your important agreements.

Robust Audit Trails

Every signature is logged, time-stamped, and authenticated. You can track the entire signing process, including who signed the document, when, and from where. This not only eliminates the risk of tampering, it simplifies the process of enforcing legal and regulatory requirements.

GDPR & Compliance

Quickly and easily meet your obligations as a data controller with Legalesign's GDPR feature suite. As both a data controller and sub-processor for your data, we offer comprehensive coverage for your GDPR needs.

2FA & Single Sign-On

To securely authenticate signatories and users we provide a variety of verification methods to suit your business. Legalesign provides two-factor authentication via SMS message or app and Single Sign-On through any Open Id supporting system.

Data Security is a Part of Our Identity

At Legalesign, everything we do is guided by our key data security principles. We deliver all our services within a secure environment from UK based data centres. We actively assess and promote data security throughout our company at a cultural and ethical level.

ISO 27001 Certified - Information Security

Legalesign has been ISO 27001 certified since 2016. This certification is a testament to our commitment to information security. We demonstrate this commitment by conforming to the robust set of guidelines and policies that make up the ISO27001. It’s one thing to say “We have good security” but another to independently prove it with an ISO certification. As part of ISO 27001, Legalesign is externally audited annually by an independent assessor.

Certified Cyber Essentials Plus - Cyber Defence

Designed for total uptime and highly resilient, our systems are certified Cyber Essentials Plus. Cyber Essentials Plus is a UK Government approved certification to give public services confidence that their software providers are built to withstand attacks. Trust that when you need our systems to be there, they will be.

PDF Certification & Long-Term Validation

Give your signatories confidence in the authenticity of everything they sign. Independently verifiable and tamper-proof documents through PDF Certification and Long-Term Validation. Legalesign encrypts all data at rest and in transit. Qualys SSL Labs test that certificate conforms to the highest levels of security to protect the authenticity of your documents.


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How Legalesign complies with the NCSC 14 Cloud Security Principles.

Get our detailed guide to how we work to the 14 cloud security principles.

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