Users and User Permissions

How to Manage Users

Admins can manage their Team’s users on the Users page.

Click your team name on the top left of the screen, click on the cogwheel icon on the right of the dropdown menu to visit the Group Settings page, and then click Users.

How to Add a User

To add a new user, click the Add User + button in the top-right corner, insert the new user’s email address and then choose their permission level.

Note: For existing users, or users using SSO, tick the ‘Suppress Email Invitation’ option.

How to Remove a User

To remove a user, click on the button with three dots to the right side of the user and then Remove.

Finally you can change a user's permission level to increase or decrease the amount of access they have to your Team's features, documents, and settings.

Read this article for information on User Permissions

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