Getting Started with Console

Getting Started with Console

Send a document by uploading a new file directly from your computer, or using a template previously uploaded to your Team’s Library

To add a file to the Library, click the Upload button near the top of the sidebar on the left of your Dashboard

1. Drag and drop a file into the upload box or click the ‘Browse Your Device’ button to choose a file from your computer.  
Both methods allow for multiple files to be selected, uploading them all in one go. 

2. Once the file has finished uploading, click Continue Preparation to start preparing the Template, or when uploading multiple files click Go To Library to view your templates. 

The next stage is Template Preparation (this step is skipped if selecting a Template from the Library). 

3. The Manage Participants button adds parties to the document and specifies how they are involved with the document (i.e., Approver/Signer/Witness).  
You’ll be asked for their specific details (name and email) later, on the Recipients page.

4. Click Next to go to the Fields page to drag and drop Fields for your Participants to complete (including the Sender, you).  Change which Participant is being assigned fields by using the sidebar on the right, or the dropdown at the top of the Fields sidebar on the left. 

Click Next to go to the next stage, Sending

5. Use Details & Set-Up to set the document’s properties (like document name and print/copy permissions), complete Sender fields, and pre-fill any Signer fields.

6. Click Next to move onto Recipients to enter your recipient’s details including first and last names, and their Email.  

7. Once all the required information for your Recipients has been entered, the Send button will light up. Click on it to distribute the document.  
Use the To Do List in the top-right of your screen to see which Recipient information still needs to be entered.  

Once a document is sent, a listing is created on the Dashboard where its progress can be tracked.