
Design Emails with Branding

Admin level users can design custom branded emails with their company colours and logos to help maintain a distinct brand identity.

To start branding your emails visit Presets > Experiences. Click the Experience you would like to edit, click Edit Experiences, and then go to Email Branding. All emails sent from the same Experience will have the same email branding.

The first section is Email Logo. Drag and drop a file from your computer or browse through your files for the image you require. 

Admin level users can design custom branded emails with their company colours and logos to help maintain a distinct brand identity.

Then visit email styling. Here you can select colours for the different parts of the email. After making your choice click save to confirm your changes. 

 For precise colour matching use hexadecimal colour codes. If you don't have the colour codes to hand use a colour picker app to pull hex colour codes from your website.

Visit Email options to adjust the content of your emails. Any lines in a Legalesign email can be individually changed to suit your own specific requirements.

The format below is the same for reminder emails and those sent on signing or rejection.

Automate specific recipient details using mail merge values with email placeholders.

In the Signing Page Logo section, click on browse and select an image file for your logo or click a drag an image from your computer.

The logo will be the header for all Signing pages, as below.