PDF Documents
File Upload Fields
If you require participants to upload files when completing a document for example: Photo ID, bank statements, or other supporting documentation, then use File Upload Fields.
There are several types:
File: Attach to confirmatory email
This option includes the upload as an email attachment to the sender once the document has been completed. This is the most flexible upload method for signers and helps if you intend to keep the file separate from the completed document.
File: append to PDF, PDF files only
This option appends the uploaded file directly to the document when it completes. Only PDF files can be uploaded. This helps if you intend the file(s) to remain inseparable from the final document.
File: Zip with PDF
This option compresses all signer uploads together into a single ZIP file and emails it to the sender when the document completes. This helps if you expect to receive multiple uploads at once.
To add a File Upload field on the Edit page:
Select the intended participant
Drag and drop a ‘File’ field
Or convert another field into a ‘File’ field by changing its Field type
Click ‘Content Format’
Select your desired File Upload format on the dropdown.
On the signing page, the File Upload Field will contain a Choose file button which allows the recipient to search their device for the intended file.