PDF Documents

Direct Links

Direct links are open web addresses that anyone can visit to sign a document. Direct Links are ideal when you don't know who your signer will be. For example: event registration, sales forms, timesheets, etc.

To create a Direct Link:

  1. Upload a new Template

  2. Visit the Template Preparation page

  3. Create three fields for each signer:
    - a text field labelled: “First name” under the content format: “Any text"
    - a text field labelled “Last name” under the content format: “Any text"
    - an email field labelled: “Email” under the content format: “Email”

  4. Create a signature field for each signer.

The Template may have other fields but only for a maximum of two signers, and no sender fields can be included in the Template. The 2nd signer can be nominated by the first signer after filling in the document, or it can be the same recipient each time.

Finally complete the process by clicking the dropdown on the top right of the page, select “Direct Link” and on the pop-up select: “Create New Link”

The Direct Link will need a Reference Name to be valid.

 There are also optional settings:

  • Require Email Validation from signer: Toggle this feature to require the signer to confirm their email address prior to document completion.

  • Redirect Link: This will redirect the signer after signing the document to a different webpage. For example, your website’s homepage.

  • Email CC: This will send a copy of each completed document to an email address of your choosing.

  • Consistent Second Signer: Toggle this feature to allow you to forward the document onto a second signer, provided the second signer is the same for each new document created.

Finally complete creation by clicking “Create Link” to generate the Document URL.


You can use a Direct Link directly or embed them within your own website. Contact support@legalesign.com if you would like to embed your Direct Links.