Getting Started with Console

Template Preparation

Template Preparation is where you drag and drop fields for the Template’s Participants, including the Sender.

Click a Template in the Library to visit its Template Preparation page.

Each Recipient on your template needs to have at least one signature field unless they are an Approver.

On the left is the list of field types that can be placed on the template, and on the right is the Settings panel.  

When no field is selected, the Settings panel will show the Template Overview menu. Use this to:

  • Manage Sender Fields

  • Manage Signer Fields

  • Restrict the aspect ratio of signature fields (ie: fix Signature Scale)

  • Rename the Template

  • Enable Archive after Sending (if it’s a one-time use template). 

When a field is selected, the Settings panel will show the Field Properties menu. This is split into five parts: Designations, Content, Format, Placement, and Dimensions.

The Designations menu allows you to change the Assignee for the field or the Field type.

The Content menu allows you to change the Field Label, the Content Format, and under 'Content' to insert a placeholder.

The Format menu allows you to set the Font, Font Size, and designate the Text alignment.

The Placement menu is used to realign the sender and signers fields as required.

The Dimensions menu has two buttons: 

  • Allow Field Resizing 

  • Scale & Resize buttons

    The Advanced menu dictates: 

  • Field Order, or the ‘signer flow’. 

  • Forms Logic variables including Ref. Name, Link Field, and Link Value

  • Set Exclude from PDF if you don’t want the field to be printed on the final document.