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July 26, 2024

Never Write an Email Twice with Contact Book

Any time you send a document for signing, Legalesign will auto-save contacts for fast re-use.

When you frequently need to send documents to the same recipients, save their details in your Legalesign Contact Book for easy access and faster signing.

What is a Contact Book?

The Contact Book stores recipient information and lets you search any string of characters in their first name, last name, or email address. Select the correct contact from the dropdown menu to autofill recipient details.


Learn how to use Contact Book here.

Benefits of using eSignature Contact Book

  • Automate document sending with auto-filled recipient detail, reducing manual data entry. Ideal for onboarding letters, paycheques, policy documents, and approvals.

  • Centralise contact info to quickly select the correct recipient. Perfect for property deeds requiring multiple approvals.

  • Maintain accurate information by easily adding, removing, and editing contacts.

  • Store recipient data securely and verify signers to ensure authenticity and security of your eSignatures.

The Contact Book is a great feature for Legalesign senders. For more information on how our eSignature features can benefit your business.


Start Sending Documents with Legalesign Today

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