eSignature for Conveyancing
A secure and comprehensive platform that enables conveyancers to get documents signed with Conveyancer-Certified Electronic Signatures.

Don’t Break the Chain
There are many reasons property chains collapse, but the inability to get paperwork signed in time shouldn’t be one of them. Getting conveyancing documents physically signed can cause delays, and frustrations and can in some circumstances cause the whole deal to collapse. Electronically signing these documents using Legalesign can dramatically simplify the signing process, enabling agreements to be processed faster and providing superior service to your clients.

Property Transfer Documents
Conveyancer Certified Signatures
Other Forms and Agreements
Documents related to the transfer of property ownership, such as transfer deeds, can be signed electronically using Conveyancer Certified Electronic Signatures.
Legalesign conforms to the regulations and guidance laid out for Conveyancer Certified Electronic Signatures (CCES).
Clients and agents can also electronically sign other documents that don’t need a CCES, such as contracts, letters, and disclosure forms, making the process faster and more convenient.
eSignatures Accepted by HMLR
HM Land Registry announced in 2020 that it now accepts several key conveyancing documents executed using Conveyancer Certified Electronic Signatures (CCES). The shift from wet ink to electronic signature brings substantial improvements in workflow, data security, and customer experience, and a lower cost of business for conveyancers who embrace the technology.

Automate your Signing Processes
You already use several electronic applications and workflows in your business, with Legalesign you can automate the sending and signing of documents straight from your existing tools via our API. The Legalesign API allows you to programmatically trigger electronic document signing to create a seamless, automated experience for you and your clients backed by Legalesign's secure eSignature Platform.

Add eWitnessing
Developed in accordance with Law Society and HM Land Registry guidance, Legalesign eWitness® helps you get property deeds signed and witnessed electronically. We ensure the witness must be physically present at signing and fulfil a two-step verification process. Legalesign eWitness dramatically speeds up conveyancing timelines, keeping all parties happy.

Ultimate Finance
"We chose Legalesign as it provided the best functionality and interpretation of witnessing as per the legal definition"
Only Platform aligned with UK eWitness Regulations
Certified PDFs
Certified ISO 27001 & Cyber Essentials Plus
Legalesign is a proven application that is scalable, adaptable, and immediately available. In comparison with other platforms, witnesses are restricted to signing pages only with access only to pages that require witnessing and do not have access to the final document.
Tamper-proof Certified PDFs with long-term validation (LTC) are generated using hardware security modules (HSMs), for the highest level of contract integrity.
ISO 27001 ensures that Legalesign deploys best practices in information security for data protection, as well as a continuous improvement process, which is externally audited. Certified since 2015. GDPR Ready & Cyber Essentials Plus Certified.
Download Our HMLR Workflow Guide
A comprehensive document covering the adoption of Electronic Signatures and Witnessing by HM Land Registry and Legalesign systems.

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