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March 20, 2025

Update News V1.10.1

We're excited to share some feature updates and improvements in this latest release.

Notification Handling

Adjustments have been made to the notification display and click-ability for a significant UX gain.

Changes to Batches

Batches now must have a name when being sent, and no longer carries the name from the last Batch sent, making it easier to keep track of documents.

Secure PDF access with password

Added an extra layer of security to final PDF documents that require a password for access.

Fixed Dashboard listing options

Swapped Remove with Archive for documents that have been completed.

Enhanced Arrow Key Functionality

We've improved the arrow key functionality when duplicating and aligning fields, making it easier to move your fields.

Fixed Roles re-ordering

Swapping the order of Participants on the Template Preparation page now also swaps field assignment.

User session timeout

To improve security, users that are inactive for a lengthy time are now automatically logged out.

Upgrade Console Dependencies

Upgraded to React 19 for performance improvement. All dependencies have been updated to their latest versions, including Tailwind CSS from v3 to v4.

Learn more of the latest advancements being made at Legalesign

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