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July 17, 2017
Legalesign awarded "High Performer" in G2 Crowd's e-signature market analysis, Summer 2017

We are pleased to have been awarded "High Performer" status by G2 crowd, continuing the award we first gained toward the end of last year. G2 Crowd is one of the world's largest software review sites and the leading guide to the e-signature market.
Legalesign is also G2 Crowd's top performer in "quality of support", "ease of doing business with", "product direction" and "performance and reliability" indicating Legalesign's true business customer focus. By contrast to market leaders who find it difficult to maintain customer responsiveness, Legalesign excels in providing service for business customers where e-signature is critical to day to day operations.
Legalesign combines very high standards in privacy and security through ISO27001 certification, with fast support, and phenomenal product versatility for the many and various business document and e-signing situations.
This combination is the perfect match for businesses serious about their contracts now and in the future; who need an e-signature service that listens to them, that is highly reliable, consistent, and responsive. We look forward to continuing to work with our existing customers and welcome new customers who have heard about the significant productivity improvements that e-signature can deliver. Call or email us for advice on e-signature in general, and more information about what Legalesign can offer.
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