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With the new SharePoint integration for Legalesign eSignature, you can now automatically save your e-signed contracts into your own SharePoint folder. For tight data control, you can also automatically remove those documents from Legalesign immediately after the transfer.
The new export is one of Legalesign's first major changes to data handling since GDPR. While we have implemented many features to handle the various rules of GDPR, for example, customers can handle a data subject access request in only a few clicks, we are also moving onto a new track with data in general.
GDPR goes further than a few add-on features, it entirely re-positions personal data within day-to-day business life. That approach will be guiding much of the future direction here at Legalesign. But, for now, with that approach in mind and with the idea floated by some of our customers, we started work on data transfer facilities. The goal is to enable customers to be able to move their data away from Legalesign and into private storage facilities with minimal effort.
While there are many cloud storage options out there, the first we have chosen is SharePoint. This received the biggest vote from customers. But we also look forward to adding Amazon S3 and others. With the new export feature, you can add in your SharePoint folder and access details, set up a naming convention for your e-signed file, and that's it. All your files will start transferring a few minutes after signing.
A naming convention is how you name your files when they land in SharePoint. Do you name them after signers' emails or last names, or the document title you originally used, or a field? A good naming convention will make it much easier to find your files in SharePoint later.
A useful addition to the naming convention feature is the inclusion of your document form fields. If you have an internal reference for your documents, simply add this as a required field to outgoing documents. Add field label to your naming convention and it will be picked up and put in your file name in SharePoint.
As part of our changes for GDPR, data retention is now threaded throughout all the document types used in Legalesign. The new SharePoint integration includes an immediate delete option. If you choose you can have the signed PDF, and its associated data records, expunged after you transfer the file.
If you use this deletion feature we recommend you tie in a control policy to verify record keeping, for example by asking your admins to download a copy upon signing as well or to select the option to have the signed document sent to the person who sent it or CC'd to another email inbox. To facilitate this, we have added a transfer delay option so you can postpone the transfer and deletion by several hours if necessary.
We hope you enjoy the Sharepoint esignature export for Legalesign and the GDPR features on Legalesign. We intend to add more storage options soon. But as always, everything on Legalesign arises from customers and a real-world requirement, and so get in touch if you have an itch for any feature that will help your business move faster and be more secure.
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