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February 7, 2018

GDPR: Consultation

If you are using Legalesign, or thinking about using Legalesign, contribute to our GDPR consultation. This affects you.

The General Data Protection Regulation (the GDPR) will become legally enforceable on 25th May 2018.

Legalesign is a data ‘processor’ on behalf of its customers, and we must provide our customers with the processes they will need to meet their own obligations as a data ‘controller’.

We would like your comments on whether the features we are proposing to build will be suitable for you. (This is consultation on the features we provide as a 'processor' to customers, rather than the features we also need to build as a 'controller' in our own right.)

The consultation document lists the relevant GDPR rights and the features we propose to satisfy the obligations that arise from each one.

Please return your comments to by the end of this month, 28th February 2018; in particular we ask whether the proposed features will be:

  1. Sufficient for you to meet your GDPR obligations, i

  2. Practical for your personnel to use and,

  3. Appropriate for your needs overall.

A key question is how you would prefer we erase your customer data:

  1. To the extent that you will not know you have forgotten them, or;

  2. With the opportunity to re-discover that you have forgotten someone given an identifier for an individual.

As a precaution we will consider all the data you store to be ‘personal data’ and fall within the definition of the Regulation.

Contact us to get your consultation document.

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