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One of the enormous benefits from using a Software as a Service (SAAS) platform like Legalesign is that things only get better - you benefit from upgrades and improvements on a day by day basis as standard. But can you as a customer really influence development? Absolutely. At Legalesign our development schedule is entirely based on customer demand. Our customers know best where we can deliver real value to their day to day business activity, and that’s what we’re here for. We don’t do anything without the say-so from our customers. Here’s what this looked like today:
07:45 Karla@Customer: When we send CFA’s out for minors it is signed on their behalf. Is there a way that when it is signed we could see who it is signed on behalf of? If that doesn’t make sense, please feel free to contact me on the number below.
09:29 Ben@Legalesign: Hi Karla,Thank you for this. Can you tell me how you would see it working for you, for signers, and exactly what you would like to see on the final document?
09:31 Karla: The document itself is fine, its just the list that we see of CFA’s that have been sent it would be useful if we could have the name of the person its been sent to and the name of the client. At the moment we are having to go into the document to see who the actual client is and its taking a lot of time, if we had the client name on the list we wouldn’t need to do this.
09:33 Ben: Thanks. OK. Where (which input fields) do you put in the name of the person its been sent to and the name of the client usually?
09:38 Karla: When sending the CFA we put the e-mail address of who it is going to and then their name and there is a box that says “for and on behalf of” which is where we put the client name (if a minor), the client name then goes in the client name box which we fill in with the agreement date etc.
09:39 Ben: OK thanks. I’ll come back to you shortly when we have an option available.
09:40 Karla: Thank you
….. Developers at work ……
14:55: Ben: The display of ‘behalf of’ names on listings is available. The available format is the name of the signer and then the behalf of name in brackets. Each user must change their own display. Here’s how to change a display: Go to your settings page (click on your name in top right hand corner and select ‘Your settings’ from the drop down list) > Go to second form down ‘Listings preferences’ > ‘Signer Name’ > select relevant option from the dropdown list > Click ‘Save preferences’.
15:01 Karla: You are brilliant! I cannot tell you how much time this is going to save me. Thank you so much!
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