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December 6, 2024

Avid’s Angels Cat Rescue Case Study

Avid’s Angels Cat Rescue, a UK-based charity dedicated to rescuing and rehoming cats, faced operational challenges with their previous eSignature provider. High costs, restricted usage, and limited support strained their budget and slowed operations.

Switching to Legalesign, a UK-based eSignature platform, transformed their processes.

Challenges with the Previous Provider:

  • High Costs: Strict limits on documents and additional charges strained their budget.

  • Restricted Usage: Monthly document envelopes cap delayed their operation.

  • Limited Support: Lack of responsive, tailored assistance caused frustration and inefficiency.

Why Legalesign?

  • Affordable Pricing: 75% cheaper than their previous provider, with a 10% charity discount.

  • Flexibility: Can send 5x more contracts monthly.

  • Enhanced Security: ISO27001 and Cyber Essentials Plus certified and UK-based data storage.

  • Exceptional Support: Personalised, prompt assistance tailored to their needs.


  • Savings Redirected: Funds saved support the charity’s mission.

  • Increased Productivity: Staff spend more time on their mission, less on admin.

  • Flexibility: Send and manage documents without restrictions means the team can complete more documents.

  • Enhanced Security: Highest compliance standards for sensitive data.

  • Improved Client Experience: Custom-branded emails and messages can help build trust and stronger connections with clients.

Michelle Morson, Co-founder of Avid's Angels Cat Rescue, explained:

Clients appreciate that the document emails are clearly branded, making them instantly recognisable as coming from Avid's Angels Cat Rescue. The ability to include custom messages has been a huge time-saver for the team when sending documents for signature.


Contact us to learn how Legalesign can help your charity or non-profit save time, reduce costs, and focus more on your mission.

Learn more about Avid's Angels Cat Rescue's Experience with Legalesign

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