Documents Sent For eSignature

How to edit the PDF once a document has been sent

Sometimes you'll realise you made a mistake with your document fields after you sent it, or you may simply need to change some details in the document.

While you cannot edit the underlying PDF document you can edit any sender field information completed by the sender.

Go to the Dashboard and click on the title of the document, select 'Audit Log / Details' from the dropdown list. Scroll down the details page to the 'Your fields' section and below the fields, you will see the button to open them for editing.

When done you can also opt to send an email to the signer.

Sender fields can be edited until a party to the document has signed, after which sender fields are fixed. If a signer is on the signing page while a sender field is edited then they will be prompted to review the document again, or refreshing the page will update the document.

If the underlying PDF is incorrect you will need to void your document and start over, click on the document title in your dashboard and you will see the option to delete the document.